Among my satisfied customers I also count Notified Bodies of the European Commission. I am an appointed ATEX/IECEx Lead Auditor and also work as an expert.
Conscientious. Transparent. Agile.
I am pleased to welcome you here. You have found more than a specialist here: A personality to work with pleasantly, professionally and purposefully.
Professional know-how can be found everywhere. What makes the difference is human encounter and mutual trust. This is a core element and a prerequisite of my work; whether at a seminar, workshop or in a consulting mandate.
Dipl.-Ing. (FH), M.B.Eng. Thorsten Germersdorf
(Consultant, Auditor, Inspector and Trainer)
Explosion protection seminars at GERMERSDORF BERATUNG
Satisfied customers
Exkurs 120: Knowledge of explosion protection
Do you know this: You have a specific question about explosion protection and spend hours searching for the right answer? They google. You look at the directive. They roll standards. And if you have found the supposedly right place, you only understand “ATEX-ian”.
With this video series you will find what you are looking for – answers, assistance and information about explosion protection. And that in a maximum of 120 seconds. Promised!
What can I expect?
Consulting approach
GERMERSDORF BERATUNG supports manufacturers in the conformity of their Ex products and in the development of lean and effective quality management systems. Operators of Ex plants (requiring monitoring) can also find advice on issues relating to safe operation.
Behind every machine is a human being. Behind every human being is a family. That’s my motivation. Product safety and safe operation are particularly close to my heart.
Complexity is explained simply.
I am thrilled to explain complex things to people in such a way that they become clear and logical. Documents alone do not make your products safe.
Product and operational safety are teamwork and not a first-person show. I accompany you and your team not only with my professional know-how.
Consulting areas
The advisory services are divided into four areas. These areas are based on the product/machine life cycle: development of safe products, safe production and safe operation.
I accompany and advise you from the product idea to the professional product phase out. The focus is on safety in all product life cycle phases, of course also against the business background.
Zukünftige Herausforderungen bei der Auswahl der richtigen Prüfstelle für ATEX-Konformität
Hersteller, Importeure und Händler von Ex-Geräten, -Bauteilen und -Schutzsystemen müssen in Europa die Vorgaben der ATEX Richtlinie 2014/34/EU einhalten. Gemäß Artikel 13 der Richtlinie sind in Abhängigkeit von der Einstufung des Erzeugnisses (Schutzniveau, Schutzsysteme, Sicherheits-, Kontroll- und Regeleinrichtungen, usw.) akkreditierte Prüfstellen einzubinden.
Wie funktionieren Zündschutzarten für elektrische Geräte eigentlich?
Hersteller von elektrischen Geräten im Sinne der ATEX Richtlinie 2014/34/EU können harmonisierte Normen der Reihe EN 60079-ff zur Erfüllung des Anhang II (GSGA) verwenden. Eine Anwendung dieser EN Normen erzeugt die sogenannte Konformitätsvermutung. Falls andere Beschaffenheitsanforderungen, die nicht den EN Normen entnommen sind, angewendet werden gilt immer die Beweislastumkehr.
ATEX Kategorie 3G/D – Einige Gedanken für Hersteller im “ungeregelten” Bereich